Innovative Protection provides apartment security and condominium security for properties of all sizes. Regardless of how many units the property has, our apartment security guards are trained to keep residents safe and to deal with disruptive tenants. Apartment complexes have become one of the nation’s most successful growth sectors. And naturally they have become a primary target for theft, vandalism, property damage, and litigation, as well as the life safety issues of the industry’s most valuable assets, its tenants and visitors. As apartment complexes continue to be developed – and values continue to escalate – developers, owners, and managers of property require an extremely professional level of security planning, prevention, and protection. Apartment security companies carry with them a tremendous responsibility caring for the property itself and its residents. Innovative Protection meets this challenge with experience, professionalism and vigilance making us a top tier apartment security company.

Your property is in our care. A management office focuses on making sure that the general administration is kept and the facility is at the highest standards. Innovative Protection. focuses on everything else in the field such as: Enforcing pool hours and access, maintenance reports of lights, fence and perimeter damage, front gate and point of entry control with visitor access logs, vehicle access logs, even searching vehicles if deemed necessary.

We make sure to utilize the labor expense of security officers around the clock to observe and report in an organized digital report fashion, this makes communication easy for the management office. They receive a report by 8AM with everything that we encountered during the last 24 Hours. This report has digital spreadsheets of logs, record of after hour calls emergencies, and detail with who, what where and how. This separates Innovative Protection from the rest by acting as a constructive partner, our goal is teaming up with the management to provide the best services possible, not just from a security perspective but from general facility detail and discrepancy report.

Customers that have utilized this system get up to date information about everything that goes on onsite at the property in a daily fashion enabling a quick repair and a swift resolve turn around. This defeats the paper hand written reports by providing a digital green, electronic report easy to read and sectioned out by category. We at Innovative Protection. strive for an efficient partnership in providing the highest standard and best experience for a tenant and its management.