Keyholding is an enormous responsibility to place on your staff and friends. Being called out on their own in the middle of the night,or during the weekend to a potentially high risk situation involving fire, flooding, damage or even a break in where the intruder could still be on the premises, can cause stress and anxiety to staff, family and friends alike.

Innovative Protection regulations also spell out that police attendance at alarm activations will be withdrawn after two false calls in a 12 month rolling period and that companies must have two keyholders listed, who can attend the premises within 20 minutes.

Guarantor Security are a fully approved contractor with licensed personnel who can provide a 24/7 alarm response service for you, meeting your requirements and those of your insurance provider and leaving you and your staff free from the worries of key holding responsibilities

Our Officers will respond to alarm activations, day and night including weekends
eliminating the risk to you, your employees and friends of intruder confrontation, next
day fatigue or keyholder committing drink and driving offences. Our Officers will liaise
with the Police, alarm companies and repair contractors to ensure your premise are re-
secured as soon as possible.

• 24/7 Keyholding and Alarm Response
• No risk of potential assault/injury to you or your keyholder
• No requirement to call-in additional keyholders in the event of a false alarm
• Our Staff will remain on site until the problem has been rectified or the damage has been repaired and alarm re-set

To find out how you can receive peace of mind, 24 hours a day,7 days a week CALL NOW for a FREE quote or email us.

For more information on Guarantor Security look overleaf.